Lost and Found, eBook/Paperback/Hardcover available now

Lost and Found, eBook/Paperback/Hardcover available now

A pattern was developing, maybe even intensifying. The dream would come to Magret—the baby, its head rising right out of the earth, its piercing eyes staring at her.  Then she would wake to find that she had been screaming and that her husband was trying to console her.  As she rocked and wept, she reminded herself over and over that this was only a dream … just another nightmare.
But then Magret’s daughter Sheena and her friends reported seeing a little girl, an infant, in the forest behind their house. Surely there was some other explanation for what they thought they had seen. Sergeant Collins Stoddard took the report seriously enough to search the woods, but found nothing. Then came another sighting, followed by a brutal murder in the house beyond the woods. Magret reluctantly began to examine her dreams and relive her childhood—when she had lived close to the woods and had attended the nearby, abandoned old church. Suddenly the killings no longer seemed random. Magret now knew the truth. But how could she face it? What terror awaited her children if she failed to pacify the revenge-seeking child?

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Nine-year old Sheena was visiting at Wendy’s house. Along with Wendy’s cousin Peggy they were collecting leaves for a school project. Sheena’s mother Magret had given strict instructions to not go into the woods, but Wendy and Peggy had pressured her. While reaching for a leaf in the woods, Sheena suddenly found a naked baby hidden on the ground. Frightened, the three girls ran back to the house to tell Wendy’s mother about the baby. Sergeant Collins Stoddard and his police dog Chief came and searched the woods but found nothing. The next day, Wendy and Peggy again saw a naked child in the woods, but now a toddler, even though the face was the same. Magret reluctantly began to examine her dreams and relive her childhood—when she lived close to the woods and attended the nearby, abandoned old church. Her Uncle Everett and Aunt Faith and Peggy still lived close to the woods. When Everett was found brutally murdered, Collins and Chief again searched the woods, and this time found the shallow grave of an infant. A couple of days later Magret decided to visit Aunt Faith, only to find that she had also been killed and Peggy was missing. As more of Magret’s memories returned, she began to worry about how the dark past would threaten her children, Sheena, Ward and Leigh. Although Sergeant Stoddard felt strongly that the deaths had something to do with the buried infant and the history of the old church, he struggled to pull the pieces together.


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