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⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ EIGHTEEN of Ruby Jean’s books are available NOW at all major retailers. Read Previews, Share link with your friends, or BUY below!!!
Released books are available as eBooks, paperback and hardcover. All can now be easily found on Amazon, Apple, Kobo, Barnes and Noble, and even Walmart! The Haunting coming on August 16, then ongoing one book released on the 15th of each month until October, 2022! SEE “BLOG” tab for details.
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Ruby Jean began writing at an early age. Her first novel was published by Warner Books in 1974. Warner Books bought four novels, and Ruby’s career suddenly took off! By 1983, when she was picked up by publisher Zebra Books (Kensington), she had ten published novels. Her last novel was published in 1995, for a total of 30 novels. Ruby Jean’s first four novels belonged to the Gothic romance genre, followed by three Occult books. She then migrated to Horror. She also had almost 200 short stories published. At the start of 2020, there are also four novels that have yet to be published: 1) Animal Backtalk, humorous stories about observations of animals; 2) Bear Hollow Charlie, following a young orphaned boy as he struggles to fit in with his adoptive family; 3) Pride of Bella Terra, set on a plantation around 1840 near the Mississippi River; and 4) Cry of the Soul, likely Ruby Jean’s masterpiece, about one woman’s tortured search for her proper place in life.
Get to know Ruby and her work . . . if you think you can tolerate the experiences of chills rippling over your skin like creek water over layered stones; of strange, eerie veins of fear curling up the back of your neck; of being forced time and again to confront your deepest inner fears.