The Haunting, eBook/Paperback/Hardcover available now

The Haunting, eBook/Paperback/Hardcover available now

Real estate agent Katie Rogers had been looking for an old house, and was thrilled to discover the old house in the woods. Without a thought to the history of the house, she quickly made the deal and moved in, along with her family—sister, niece and nephew. How could she have known about the blood that had been shed in that old house? It was not long before the nightmares began—nightmares in which Katie was a young child, fearful, running … from an unseen danger.  Then the dreams became sharper, a woman with a butcher knife raised, ready to strike at her.  Dawn brought her sweet relief—until the day that her niece and nephew could not be found …  Too late she recognized this awakening evil.  Was it inevitable that innocents would once again perish as the old woman slowly took back control of her house?

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Eddie Wickham had been brought away from his family by his great-aunt by marriage Theodora Wickham, with the promise that she would help him get schooling to overcome his handicap—he could not speak and had not learned to read and write. But Aunt Theodora seemed to keep him busy working, chopping wood, feeding the animals, milking the cow. All for no pay and a straw mattress in the top floor of her huge old house. Life would have been very lonely, except for the company of five year-old Katrina that followed him everywhere, and the friendship of sixteen year-old neighbor Angie, who secretly helped him learn to read and write. When Katrina was brutally murdered, Eddie was quickly arrested and charged. Angie was conflicted. Should she come forward and testify that Eddie had been with her when the death had occurred? Eddie had learned dark secrets about his Aunt Theodora, but she was highly respected for taking in young children that needed help. Shortly after the trial, Eddie and Angie disappeared. Perhaps they had run away together.

Decades later, realtor Katie Rogers was trying to overcome her grief over the death of her young husband, and decided to buy the old Wickham mansion. She soon learned that the reason the property had for sale for so long was that prospective buyers left after spending just a few nights in the house. Due to her sister Nancy’s urgency to find a home where her children Erica and Curtis were not so cooped up, Katie and Nancy resolved to move in to the house before they could get it wired for electricity. It was not long before Katie faced a ghost in the house, and this ghost could actually open doors, pick up objects such as the long butcher knife. Also, Katie began to have visions that involved the house and seemed very detailed, very realistic. She was so shaken that she began to see a psychiatrist.


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