House of Illusions, eBook/Paperback/Hardcover available now

House of Illusions, eBook/Paperback/Hardcover available now


Sisters Amy and Jody had no idea what they were getting in to when they were sent to spend the summer with their Dad. They had seen little of him since the divorce, and only knew that he was working at a traveling carnival. After the initial shock, it all began to seem like fun! Summer nights on the midway, free to take in all the sights, getting to know the carnies and their strange way of life.


Everything went topsy-turvy after first Jody went into the amazing House of Illusions. There she saw the clowns for the first time. Clowns like every carnival has, but with smiles that could freeze your blood. Clowns that craved terrified screams. Clowns that were seeking blood … perhaps illusions but still deadly.



Eleven-year old Amy and her eight-year old sister Jodi were being sent to spend the summer with their father Russel. Their parents had divorced when Amy was three, and the girls had not seen their father since. Imagine their surprise when Russel picked them up at the airport and took them to the carnival where he lived and worked! It began to appear that the summer could be great fun for them. On her first scouting of the carnival Jodi walked into the front door of the House of Mirrors. An hour or so later Zulu, a dwarf and co-owner of the carnival, found Jodi lost within the mirrors and escorted her out. However, while inside Jodi had found a mysterious talisman that she took home with her. When Russel learned about the talisman, he immediately instructed her to take it to India, the majority owner of the carnival. India’s reaction to talisman was immediate. She said that it was very bad and walked with Jodi to throw it into the trash. Things might have ended there, but Amy saw what transpired and resolved to claim the talisman as her own. She promptly dug it out of the dumpster where it had been tossed and hung it around her neck, out of sight. Just a couple of nights later, Russel’s girlfriend Lakisha was brutally murdered. The next night India was murdered in a similar fashion. Shortly after their arrival Jodi had met Blane, a boy that knew how to slip in anywhere. Together, they had many adventures. One of the adventures was a return to the House of Mirrors via a secret hole in the floor underneath the house. Blane did not survive the visit. Jodi saw several clowns that attacked Blane, and she barely escaped with her life. While police found no clues leading to the murderer, Zulu had continued to ponder several things that India had told him about the dark history of the House of Mirrors. He began to wonder in particular about Raoell, the illusionist that had created the House and had disappeared some sixty years ago when India was just a five-year old girl. In addition, he began to wonder about the collection of seven clowns that India had lovingly created. India had said that perhaps she had seen the clowns in her dreams . . . Somehow, the clowns were mixed up with the three deaths and the House of Mirrors!


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