Hear the Children Cry, eBook available now

Hear the Children Cry, eBook available now


Ginger wondered how it was possible that within a short few months, the couple had lost three small children. Their deaths remained inexplicable. The surviving brother Danny seemed moody and distracted, perhaps due to the trauma of the violent deaths?


Who is there to suspect, other than the children’s parents . . . and their five year-old son?


Could the truth be somehow connected to the old castle on the hill? If there is a murderer on the loose, is anyone safe?


Ginger Meadway grew up happily on a large farm in Idaho. She was four years old when her sister Bonnie was born. While Ginger went to college in the east, Bonnie matured into a beautiful young lady. During her senior year Ginger met Ross, the love of her life. As they were making plans to travel to Idaho in a few weeks to be married, Ginger received a call saying that her father had suffered a heart attack, and that she should come home immediately. Ginger and Ross immediately drove to Idaho, only to find that her father had already passed away. Upon the reading of the will, Ginger discovered that although she had never paid much attention to the fact that her dear Dad was not her biological father, in fact he had left the ranch and house to Bonnie and Ginger’s mother. This was her first shock. Just a few days later, Bonnie and Ross disappeared for almost 48 hours, only to return and announce that they were married. Ginger immediately packed her bags and left. A year later she returned after receiving word that her mother was very ill. While caring for her mother, she patched things up with pregnant Bonnie, but also carelessly renewed her relationship with Ross. When her mother died, Ginger left carrying feelings of guilt with her, and vowing to never return. She carefully avoided letting her family know where she went. This worked for five years, when she suddenly received a letter from Ross summoning her and telling of their great need for her help. Upon returning, she soon learned of the tragic loss of not one, but three of Bonnie and Ross’s children. A newborn was lost to a crib death, while the two-year-old twins had drowned in a well. Five-year-old Danny was left, Bonnie was not well and suffering a deep depression, and Ross seemed unable to cope. Ginger was quickly sucked back into the family situation, and tried her best to fill their desperate needs. Slowly she became aware of inconsistencies in the story of the children’s deaths, especially the drowned twins. Was it possible that Bonnie had drowned the twins? Was it even remotely possible that five-year-old Danny could have helped the twins climb the four-foot high wall on the well and lift the heavy wooden cover? Could the farm-hand Carl have been involved in the mysterious deaths?


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