Bear Hollow Charlie, publication pending

Bear Hollow Charlie, publication pending

Set in SW Missouri, 1930’s and prohibition.  After his grandmother passes away, ten year-old orphan Charlie goes to live with nearest kin Theo and his wife Jerridean, who have no children. Charlie desperately wants a mother, and quickly forms a strong bond with Jerridean.  Charlie also relies heavily on his constant companion, Old Tandy, with whom he shares his thoughts and feelings. Charlie’s adopted parent’s families are involved in making and selling moonshine. Unfortunately, Theo often samples his own product, leading to ongoing family problems.



Charlie Burnet was an orphan, living with his Granny and his dog Old Tandy. When Granny passed away unexpectedly, nearest kin Theo Anderson brought Charlie to live with him and his wife Jerridean in Bear Hollow, just into Missouri north of the Arkansas line. Jerridean’s parents owned the service station in Pea Ridge, Arkansas. Her brother Wade delivered moonshine out of Bear Hollow, taking his chances that the revenue men could not catch him. Of course, Theo ran his own still, and freely sampled his product. Jerridean had desperately tried for her own baby for years, but had been plagued with problems, including a recent miscarriage. Charlie struggled to fit in, both at his new home and at school. As he quickly developed a fierce loyalty to Jerridean, even rivaling his devotion to Old Tandy, conflict with Theo was bound to develop. When a band of gypsies moved their sawmill nearby, it wasn’t long before issues developed, largely revolving around Buck McNight’s two beautiful step-daughters and Theo’s lack of self-control. Charlie enjoyed the freedom of wandering through the woods along with Old Tandy, and the support of Jerridean’s family, but he found his mission—protecting his new mother Jerridean—to be a constant challenge.


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